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Framework agreement signed between Royal BAM Group nv and Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) to promote and protect worker’s rights


Royal Bam

Date of signature

3 September 2006


Royal BAM, Building and Woodworkers International (BWI)

Key objectives

“Royal BAM Group nv commits itself to work to achieve social justice and sustainable development in its activities [...] In this spirit Royal BAM Group nv and the BWI shall work together to verify the effective application of the following social criteria in the activities and undertaking entered into by Royal BAM Group nv.”


“Every two years after it has been signed, this accord may be terminated by one of the parties forthwith, with a one month notice period.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Royal BAM Group nv will provide information concerning this agreement in both written and verbal form.”

Review and monitoring

“The annual review of the present agreement may be incorporated in the annual report with the consent of both parties. [...]”

“In order to achieve the objectives and fulfil the commitments specified in this document, a reference group consisting of representatives of the management and the BWI shall initiate a follow-up dialogue and shall meet at least once a year, or whenever necessary, to examine implementation of this agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“If a serious breach of the agreement should be brought to the attention of either party. Royal BAM Group nv will undertake an examination of the reported breach and shall report the BWI thereof. Both parties agree that any difference arising from the interpretation or implementation of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of making recommendations to the parties concerned.”

“Royal BAM Group nv [...] will [...] refrain from using the services of those trading partners, subcontractors and suppliers which do not respect the criteria listed above.”

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

forced labour, child labour, non discrimination, right to organise and bargain collectively, trade union recognition (any opposition), equal opportunities, minimum wage, working time limits, decent working conditions, skills development, workers information.

