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Framework agreement regarding the Air france KLM and Martinair Cargo organisation in Europe


Air France KLM

Date of signature

09 December 2013


VP Area Europe AF-KLM and Martinair cargo, VP Human Resources Air France Cargo and Coordination HR AFKL, VP Human Resources and Organisation KLM and Martinair cargo, general Secretary European Works Council

Key objectives

"need to make a clarifying framework on defining the processes and different roles for the European Cargo organisation"


"This framework agreement will end on the 1st of April 2014. Changes in this framework can only be made by mutual agreement and will only be effective after a written and signed revised document."

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

The effectiveness of the framework will be part of the agenda of a Working Group session. Attention will be given to:
• Timely and transparent information processing from Area Management to the Working Group and vice versa
• Situation of staff and eventual necessary solutions found in case of change
Timelines and action plans for local decisions
Communication flows to and from the social partners
• Any other element of interest suggested by one of the parties"

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Information and consultation.

Secondary topic(s)
