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Framework agreement on airport agencies in Europe (ATO) -Air France KLM


Air France KLM

Date of signature

31 March 2010


Director of the CDL in Europe and north Africa Air France/KLM, general secretary of Air France/KLM’s CGE

Key objectives

""These technological developments, as well as internal changes within Air France/KLM, can be considered as continuous evolution during which the traditional role of ATOs will shift (…). This change will lead to a gradual decline in the ATOs’ role (…).”


2 years“This framework agreement will expire on 1 April 2012.” (Unofficial translation)

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The efficiency and use of this agreement in local studies will be assessed and the evaluation of ATOs will be on the order of the day of a CGE office meeting or of a plenary meeting of the CGE (…).
This agreement may be considered as the reference document for ATOs whose activities or employees are concerned.” (Unofficial translation)

Review and monitoring

“The efficiency and use of this agreement in local studies will be assessed and the evaluation of ATOs will be on the order of the day of a CGE office meeting or of a plenary meeting of the CGE (…).”

“Amending this agreement is only possible with the consent of both parties and will only be applicable after the written amendment of the document, duly signed.” (Unofficial translation)

Dispute settlement and sanctions

“The parties consider that this framework agreement complies with the CGE protocol. Nevertheless, in case of a conflict, the protocol shall take precedence (…).” (Unofficial translation)

Related texts

Social and Ethics Charter Air France/KLM (2008)

Main topic

Anticipation of change,

Secondary topic(s)

restructurings, alternatives measures to layoffs.
