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Framework agreement for union participation in the value chain of El Corte Ingles


El Corte Inglès

Date of signature

14 July 2021


CEO, general secretary of the 2 spanish unions

Key objectives

""The purpose of this agreement is to establish a framework formalising the existing cooperative relationship, resulting from the goodwill between the parties, the common purpose of which is to respect and apply international human, employment, social and environmental rights standards to value chains, as well as joint participation in resolving through dialogue any incident or situation of non-compliance that may occur therein. ""


automatically extended for unlimited successive one-year periods,

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""The relevant business and trade union structures of those countries in which the value chain is located shall be informed about this agreement, and the criteria for implementing it. Based on the projects to be determined each year, specific information activities may also be outlined for both workers' representatives and managers of supplier companies, to promote social dialogue at all levels and improve certain employment conditions. ""

Review and monitoring

""ECI will each year share with trade union representatives the list of all its suppliers and factories for its own brand production, established in the scope, indicating for each of them: their name and address, category of products, date of the last company audit and the qualification it obtained. This information may be expanded with any details deemed necessary for successfully planning each trip to or specific action for a given country or sector. (...) On these grounds, upon a proposal from either party, visits to value chain workplaces in which the signatory trade union organisations will take part, in coordination with those at the regional and/or local level of the workplace, will be organised to any countries they consider of interest. This will be in addition to any other activities that are necessary within the production chain, agreed beforehand between the signatory parties thereof. (...) Training plans may be made aimed at raising awareness of this Agreement and applying the standards provided for therein, as well as the criteria for their implementation, by encouraging social dialogue at all levels. This training will be directed at both workers' representatives and managers of the companies forming part of the production chain, as well as at those subsidiary or local trade union organisations agreed beforehand by the parties once they have been informed.""
""A Joint Committee is set up to meet twice every year to monitor the implementation of these agreements, to determine work projects within its scope and to address any differences arising from their interpretation. ""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""Where, in the field of industrial relations of one of its suppliers, there occurs an incident that is considered to fall within the scope of reference of the principles of clause 2 above, it shall be notified to the CSR department of El Corte Inglés and to the union coordinator of the nearest area, who shall within the framework of the goals of this agreement collaborate so that, through dialogue between the parties in disagreement, a satisfactory solution can be reached. ""

Related texts

Main topic

suppliers' workers rights

Secondary topic(s)
