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Framework agreement between Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A., Building and Wood Workers’ International, FECOMA and MCA



Date of signature

19 September 2012


Director RRHH Corporativo OHL, General Secretary BWI, General Secretary FECOMA- CC.OO, General Secretary MCA-UGT

Key objectives

Joint committment to respect and promote the principles defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO and OECD guidelines.



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Obrascon Huarte Lain S.A. will provide verbal or written information regarding this agreement to the organization"

Review and monitoring

A review board (representatives of Obrascon Huarte Lain, SA management, BWI, Fecoma-CCOO and MCA-UGT) will meet at least once oer year to monitor the agreement implementation.
"Both parties recognize that effective local monitoring of this agreement must involve the local management, the workers and their representatives, health and safety representatives and local trade unions. To enable local and national union representatives of BWI affiliated unions to play a role in the monitoring process, the company assures that they will be given appropriate access to the workers and the necessary rights to information".

Dispute settlement and sanctions

The complaint is first raised with local site management. Then national level and adressed to the BWI coordinator if no solution is found.

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights ,

Secondary topic(s)

Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, Forced labour, non-discrimination, protection of migrant workers, child labour, work hours, health and safety, living wages, worker welfare, training, employment relationship.
