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Framework agreement between Ballast Nedam and IFBWW


Ballast Nedam

Date of signature

18 March 2001


Ballast Nedam, IFBWW

Key objectives

""1. BALLAST NEDAM acknowledges that it not only bears responsibility for the conditions under which its own employees work but also shares responsibility for the conditions under which the employees of its contractual partners do their work; 2. BALLAST NEDAM therefore requires of its own units and subsidiaries and of its contractual partners that they at least meet the requirements of national legislation. BALLAST NEDAM advocates that the relevant conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) concerning the company's business activities shall be respected. [...]""


2 years

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""The employees of BALLAST NEDAM will be informed orally and in writing of all the stipulations of this agreement. BALLAST NEDAM requires that its contractual partners shall support this agreement and shall also ensure that it is adhered to by any of their contractual partners who are in any way active in connection with the business activities of BALLAST NEDAM. The content of this agreement will be displayed at all workstations in the respective languages.
Questions of interpretation, for instance with regard to the content and/ or meaning of this agreement in respect of its application to any individual case will be clarified jointly between BALLAST NEDAM, the IFBWW and FNV BOUW.""

Review and monitoring

""BALLAST NEDAM, the IFBWW and FNV BOUW meet once a year to review the implementation of this agreement.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement
""Should the IFBWW, FNV BOUW or the employees' representations within BALLAST NEDAM or the companies with contractual ties with BALLAST NEDAM become aware of any contravention of the spirit or the letter of this agreement, they will report this contravention to the Executive Board of BALLAST NEDAM.”

“This body will examine and introduce suitable measures to remedy the issue. To this end, BALLAST NEDAM appoints an Officer for the application of this agreement.""

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

trade union rights, forced labour, child labour, health and safety, adequate wages, decent working conditions, non unreasonable working time, equal opportunities.
