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Framework Agreement among Acciona, S.A.,Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI), CCOO construction and Services and MCA-UGT



Date of signature

24 October 2014


Building and Wood. Worker's International (BWI), Acciona, S.A., CCOO Construction and Services, MCA-UGT

Key objectives

"This agreement is based on the joint commitment of the signatories to respect and promote the principles defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Tripartite Declaration, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United Nations Global Compact.""


This agreement is effective from the date of signature with a mutual three-month notice of termination

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"To enable local and national union representatives affiliated to the BWI, to play a role in the monitoring process, the company will ensure that they have access to the workers and to the necessary rights of information. ""
Acciona, S.A., will provide verbal or written information related to this agreement to the organization.

Review and monitoring

A reference group will be established, formed by representatives of Acciona S.A. management, BWI, CCOO Construction and Services and MCA-UGT, which will hold meetings at least once per year to follow the implementation of the present agreement, with the company providing the necessary support for
the meeting.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

The parties agree that any divergence about the interpretation or compliance of this agreement will be examined jointly, for the purpose of providingrecommendations to the parties involved.
In the event of any complaint or infraction of the present agreement, the following procedure will normally apply: Firstly, the claim will be dealt with by the local management of the workplace. Any infraction which could not be solved through discussions at the workplace will be dealt with the BWI coordinator in close cooperation, with the BWI affiliates from the country of origin and will be reported to the responsible manager. If the subject is not solved, the reference group will deal with the matter, aiming at providing the parties involved with recommendations for solving the controversy.

Main topic

Freedom of association and collective bargaining, International Labour Standards, prevention of child labour, sustainable development in construction

Secondary topic(s)

Non-discrimination, prevention of forced labour, protection of migrant workers, living wages, hours of work, health and safety, vocational training
