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Framework Agreement - Agreement between Essity, IndustriAll Global union, Unionen and Essity's SCA EWC



Date of signature

04 May 2018


CEO, IndustriALL Global Union, Unionen (Swedish union), SCA, President of the European Works Council

Key objectives

“The aim of this agreement is to promote cooperation and social responsibility within SCA’s world-wide operations. […] Based on the parties’ common recognition of fundamental human rights and Essity’s own values as expressed in its Code of Conduct, the purpose of this agreement is to monitor the practical application of the agreed principles. ”


indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""Essity will take necessary steps to make all local site management aware of their obligations according to this Agreement. Essity will ensure that appropriate translations of the Agreement to all affiliates that organize employees in Essity world-wide, and broadly publicize the existence of the Agreement and explain its implications to their affiliates within Essity. The parties to the Agreement may also decide to cooperate jointly in promoting and explaining this Agreement and its implications.""

Review and monitoring

""Essity, Unionen lndustriALL Global Union and Essity Group EXE EWC Team will meet every second year to review practice in the area of the agreed principles and follow up this Agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""ln the event of breach of the Agreement the following procedure will normally apply to claims by covered employees:
1. The employee or her/his local trade union should raise the complaint with the local site management.
2. If the complaint is not resolved with the local site management the appropriate national trade union will raise the issue with the human resource department at business group or regional level.
3. If still unresolved, the complaint will be referred to lndustriALL Global Union/Unionen who will raise the issue with Essity Corporate Management.""

Related texts

SCA Code of Conduct
Framework Agreement - Agreement between SCA and ICEM /Pappers / SCA EWC (2013)

Main topic

fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

trade unions rights and social dialogue, health and safety, sustainability, non discrimination, training, right to organise and bargain collectively, child labour, forced labour.
