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Ford of Europe and the Ford European Works Council (FEWC) Agreed upon Social Rights and Social Responsibility Principles


Ford Europe

Date of signature

04 December 2003


Ford, FEWC

Key objectives

“The diverse group of men and women who work for Ford of Europe is our most important resource. In recognition of their contributions, policies and programs have been developed to ensure that our employees enjoy the protection afforded by the principles agreed upon in this document. (...)The Principles are based on a thorough review of labour standards espoused by various groups and institutions worldwide, (…) by the International Labour Organisation. (…)”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Ford of Europe and the Ford European Works Council commit themselves to the implementation of these Principles on a national/local level.”

“Ford of Europe employees will be informed about these Principles and this document will be made accessible to them.”

Review and monitoring

“Ongoing compliance with these Principles will be reviewed at the annual meeting of the FEWC with management. The assistance of independent third parties will be sought as appropriate to verify compliance.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, unfair discrimination, child labour, forced labour, health and safety, sustainability.
