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European protocol on health, safety, accident prevention at Korian (Clariane)


Clariane (Korian)

Date of signature

16 November 2021


CEO and Secretary of the European Works Council

Key objectives

"The parties intend to act proactively to prevent accidents at work. They wish to emphasise the need to disseminate a real health and safety culture that will increase risk awareness of the part of all those involved in the company, management, employees and staff representatives.

This protocol therefore intends to propose concrete measures, inspired and illustrated by existing good practices within the group."


3 years

Implementation and dissemination

Arrangements for implementing the provisions of this protocol in each country will be determined locally, in accordance with the regulations or agreements in force, in the understanding that the provisions of this protocol shall not derogate from the regulations applicable in a country, which shall remain strictly applicable for the country concerned. Nor is it intended to replace the arrangements or structures already in place within countries.

The way in which the provisions of this protocol are deployed in each country will be the subject of consultation within the framework of local social dialogue.

Review and monitoring

A joint monitoring committee has been created, following on from the health and safety working group of the European Works Council, to study accident data and monitor the implementation of the protocol. This committee will meet twice a year, with one meeting – if possible – taking place in a European country outside France.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

No mention.


Health and Safety

