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Suez European Group agreement on strategic workforce planning



Date of signature

21 December 2016


CEO, HRD, EPSU, IndustriAll Europe, EWC members, french unions

Key objectives

""The purpose of this Agreement is to:
∗ Implement a process for predicting the evolution of business activities, and anticipating the development of organisations in order to develop/adapt employees' skills and their versatility so as to enhance their employability within the Group
∗ Support the transformations necessary for the development/growth of the company, all while promoting the development and adaptation of the skills of those employees affected by these changes. Given the significant transformation of activities, special attention should be paid to the least qualified employees
∗ Collectively: facilitating/encouraging voluntary intra-Group functional and/or geographical mobility
∗ Individually: firstly, facilitating/encouraging employees' career plans by strengthening Human Resources services (skills assessments, training, etc.). And secondly, supporting employees with the redeployment process and/or management of career changes (transfers, the second half of their careers, developments, etc.).""


5 years

Applicable law

""In accordance with the provisions of the French Labour Code, the Agreement shall be filed at the Nanterre
DIRECCTE and the registry of the Nanterre “Conseil de Prud’hommes”.""

Implementation and dissemination

"The principles of strategic workforce planning should not only be applied to difficult economic situations, but should also be incorporated into Human Resources policies. On this basis, and in the case of unusual events and decisions that would significantly affect organisations (major operations such as relocations, disposals, mergers, closures of companies or establishments, mass redundancies, voluntary redundancy plans etc.), the local Employee Representative Bodies already present in the relevant entity (either at a local or national level depending on the structure of labour relations in the country) will be involved in the implementation of collective Human Resources defensive initiatives in advance."" (...)
""The European Business Activity Observatory meets once a year and is charged with carrying out:
- Regulatory monitoring of our business activities with an analysis of any possible consequences on employment and skills,
- Monitoring of changes to commercial trends (changing demands of customers-tenders),
- Monitoring of changes to the technologies specific to our business activities and an analysis of any possible consequences on employment and skills,
- An analysis of the requirements for qualifications and skills,
Consideration of the macroeconomic and societal issues by analysing the Group’s strategy as well as the possible consequences for human resource policies by activity sector."

Review and monitoring

"In order to monitor the application of this Agreement, a Monitoring Committee has been created. This committee consists of representatives of the Group's Human Resources Department, members of the EWC (1 member per signatory country, designated by the EWC during the plenary meeting following this agreement), and representatives of the European federations that have signed this agreement. The committee will meet once a year. Any information available to the Group on the key topics covered in this agreement is sent to the Monitoring Committee."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"Questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement are the sole prerogative of the Special Negotiating Body and the European federations in the absence of a decision from the Working Group specialising in GPEC. In the absence of consensus on a question of interpretation within the Working Group, an ad hoc committee made up of the signatories of the Agreement will be formed to mediate disputes."

Related texts

Group agreement on fundamental principles regarding health and safety (Suez Environnement 2014)
Group agreement on gender equality in the workplace ( Suez Environnement 2015)

Main topic

employment and skills management

Secondary topic(s)

training, business activity observatory, employability, professional development, recruitment, non-discrimination, equal opportunities, mobility, seniors
