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European agreement on professional equality between men and women - Suez



Date of signature

16 September 2019 (renewal)


CEO and HRD of Suez, EPSU, IndustriAll Europe, national organisation.

Key objectives

“With this agreement, SUEZ and the signatory unions have the ambition to go beyond European and national legislation to promote professional equality between women and men in all
the entities of the Group.”


“The agreement is concluded for an initial period
until 12.31.2023.

The parties will meet during the first half of 2023 to take stock of the agreement and monitor the
overall achievement of objectives. Following this assessment, it may be renewed or revised by agreement.”

Applicable law

"The Agreement may be revised in accordance with the provisions of the applicable French Labour Code."

Implementation and dissemination

“Group companies with more than 150 employees undertake, on the basis of a report and the actions carried out in terms of professional equality, to define an action plan including the themes of this agreement.
Companies with more than 150 employees who do not yet have an action plan in this area, must implement
the provisions of this Agreement within 15 months of its signature, i.e. no later than
31.12.2020. The action plan will be the subject of consultation within a committee bringing together the
social partners of the companies concerned (union representatives and / or works council or
equivalent according to the regulations of the country concerned).
The role of this commission will be to analyze the gaps between men and women on the basis
elements in terms of remuneration structure, training, professional career ...
In addition, companies with less than 150 employees will be encouraged to define a roadmap in terms of
professional equality.”

Review and monitoring

“The trade unions and European Federations signatories of this Agreement mandate the EWC(European works council) which will ensure the follow-up of this Agreement through the Employment & Training Working Group which will have
existing information and the necessary tools. As such, an annually
a meeting will take place, dedicated to monitoring this agreement, equivalent to one day, the terms of which will be defined
with the members of the Employment WG and in which a representative of the European federations will participate. (...)
At SUEZ level, the Employment & Training Working Group of the EWC will have the role of:
 Ensure compliance with the principles and commitments of this Agreement as well as the agreements concluded
at Group level relating to professional equality,
 Monitor and propose the indicators inherent in the Group's professional equality policy and
propose improvement actions if necessary.
 List and disseminate good practices of BUs in terms of professional equality.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Questions of interpretation relating to the agreement are the sole prerogative of the monitoring committee mentioned above.”

Related texts

International Social Charter - Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux (1998)
Charter Health and Safety at Work (2002)
Group Social Dynamics - Agreement on Employee Ownership Scheme (2007)
Group Social Dynamics - Agreement on Employment and Expertise plan (GPEC) (2007)
Agreement on social guarantees for Suez Group employees (2008)
Group agreement on gender equality (2015)

Main topic

Equal opportunities and non discrimination,

Secondary topic(s)

sexual harassment
