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European agreement on professional equality between men and women - GDF Suez


GDF Suez

Date of signature

5 June 2012


CEO of GDF Suez, IndustriALL, EPSU, CEC, negociation body

Key objectives

« Define the conditions enabling unjustified differences, where they exist, to be reduced and removed »


Term : June 30th 2016

Applicable law

This agreement will be filed in accordance with the provisions in articles L. 2231-6 and D. 2231-4 et seq. of the French Labour Code, in the territorial unit of Paris (DIRECCTE – Ile-de- France).

Implementation and dissemination

« With regard to this agreement, the Group undertakes to keep informed all employees, managers of the subsidiaries, personnel representatives and trade union organisations. »
« Every company with over 300 employees must establish an action plan based on the topics covered in this agreement within 12 months of its signature and including the specific objectives. This plan will be the subject of a consultation within the commission bringing together the social partners of the companies concerned (trade union and/or company committee representatives according to the regulations within the relevant country) before its implementation. (...) Companies with more than 150 employees and fewer than 300 employees must apply the clauses in this article within 24 months of the agreement being signed.  »

Review and monitoring

« Once a year, a review of the application of this agreement will be carried out during a European-level review commission made up of representatives from the Board, European trade union federations that have signed the agreement and a trade union delegation made up of representatives from GDF SUEZ company groups from the different European Union countries. »

Dispute settlement and sanctions

« In the case of a grievance (non-compliance with the agreement and its application) and if the local discussion process has not led to an agreement, the file may be presented to the European federations along with all the necessary documentation related to the grievance. A meeting will then be arranged between a delegation from the European federations and the board in order to study the matter and the appropriate measures for finding a solution to this grievance. »

Related texts

Global agreement on human rights, social dialogue and sustainable development

Main topic

Equality between men and women

Secondary topic(s)

Maternity leave, part-time, work-life balance, sexual harassment
