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European agreement on professional equality between men and women - Engie



Date of signature

21 December 2017


Managing Director, IndustriALL Europe, EPSU, FETBB

Key objectives

"The purpose of the agreement is to define conditions to reduce and eliminate unjustified differences and thus lead to:
• equal opportunities for women and men;
• equal pay for women and men remuneration with identical and / or equivalent working conditions;
• a career path equivalent to equal skills regardless of the working time;
• a better work-life balance for women and men."


Indefinite duration

Applicable law

"In accordance with the provisions of the French Labour Code (articles L.2231-6 and D.2231-4), the Agreement shall be filed at the Paris DIRECCTE and the registry of the Paris “Conseil de Prud’hommes. In addition, a copy will be filed with the office of the Paris Labour Council within the jurisdiction of which the head office of ENGIE SA is located."

Implementation and dissemination

"Within the scope of this agreement as defined in article 2, each company shall draw up its action plan on the basis of a preliminary diagnosis and shall carry out a regular review of its actions in the field of professional equality, in consultation with its social partners. "

Review and monitoring

"Annual monitoring of the implementation of this agreement shall be carried out during a monitoring committee meeting at European level, composed of management representatives, European Union Trade Union Federations and a trade union delegation including representatives of ENGIE Group companies from different countries in the European Union. The Group Management shall seek to facilitate contacts between the members of the monitoring committee and the management of the companies covered by this agreement. (...) This annual monitoring shall be carried out on the basis of the indicators set out in appendix 1 from the Group’s social reporting with the support of an external expert jointly defined by the Management and the European Trade Union Federations. "

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event of a grievance (failure to comply with the agreement and its application) and if the local
discussion process has not led to an agreement, the dossier may be presented to the European Trade Union Federations together with all necessary documents concerning the grievance. A meeting will then be organized between a delegation of the European Trade Union Federations and the Management to study the case and the appropriate measures to find a solution to this grievance."

Related texts

European group agreement relating to the employment and expertise plan (GDF Suez 2010)
Group agreement on fundamental principles regarding health and safety ((GDF Suez 2010)
Global Agreement on Fundamental Rights, Social Dialogue and Sustainable Development ((GDF Suez 2010)
Global agreement on Health & Safety of the GDF SUEZ Group (GDF Suez 2014)
GDF SUEZ European agreement on improving quality of life at work (2014)
GDF-Suez European agreement on gender equality ( 2012)
European Labour Relations Agreement (2016)

Main topic

gender equality

Secondary topic(s)

recruitment and hiring, career development, vocational training, wage equality, work-life balance, mindset changes, sexual harassment and sexist behaviour, reorganisations
