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European agreement on future of work -Unilever



Date of signature

5 March 2019


CEO, CHRO, President of Europe, EWC secretary

Key objectives

"This Framework for the Future of Work will outline the steps that will be taken, working in partnership between Unilever management and employee representatives to drive a common agenda for change according to our stated beliefs and intent. Unilever will ensure the financing of the measures described below, a sufficient budget will be made available for this purpose."


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""This Framework is specifically aimed at enabling NEW mechanisms for co-creation. It envisages that such co-creation will deploy new ways of working (eg Sprints) whereby joint teams from Management and employee representatives can work together to iden tify NEW solutions to NEW issues in advance of disruptive impacts. The Framework envisages that MCOS/ Countries may choose, in addition to their existing structures, to establish:
• A joint working team on Training, Upskilling and Employability. (...)
• A Joint Working Team on Sustainable Employment and the future of work.""

Review and monitoring

""The Barcelona 2.0 agenda will form a standing agenda item at the annual EWC plenary meeting & the ECC will receive regular updates on pilots and progress.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Joint statement on responsible restructuring

Main topic

transformation, anticipation of change

Secondary topic(s)
