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European agreement on anticipating changes within Axa Assistance


Axa Assistance

Date of signature

30 September 2011


CEO AXA Assistance, French trade unions (CFE/CGC, CGT, UDPA/UNSA) and UNI

Key objectives

Define the principles for anticipating changes in European societies of AXA Assistance.


3 years renewable for 3 other years
Termination upon 6 months notice.

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

This agreement will be applied in each country by local management in consultation with representatives of the local staff. This Agreement applies to Assistance AXA companies based in Europe and within the scope of the Agreement on the European Group Committee.
It is agreed that all provisions of this Agreement shall be implemented during the year following its signature. Its effective implementation is based on the coordination between European and local entities. The social partners of AXA Assistance of each country included in the scope of the European Committee of AXA Group will apply this Agreement in appropriately while ensuring its effective implementation at the local level, in accordance with local regulations.

Review and monitoring

A monitoring programme will be implemented through the establishment of a monitoring committee within the HR Direction of AXA Assistance. A local project manager appointed in each European entity will be responsible for monitoring the balance / use of its scope and will also aim to provide regular reports to a central project manager within the HR of AXA Assistance holding. Once a year, representatives of AXA Assistance staff in Europe will be involved in the presentation and invited to participate in the Office of CEG.

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Agreement of the European Committee of AXA Group (CEG) of 29/06/2009, CEG Agreement of 14 September 2011

Main topic

Anticipation of change

Secondary topic(s)

employability, transformation program , employee information, Observatory of European crafts, internal mobility, external mobility
