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Establishement of the Joint Commissions - Unicredit



Date of signature

08 April 2008


UniCredit Group, EWC

Key objectives

“Two Joint Commissions are established, composed both of members of UEWC and the Group’s Central Management, on the following aspects related to the Corporate Social Responsibility within UniCredit Group:
- Training, Learning and Professional Development
- Equal opportunities and Non discrimination


“The Joint Commissions will work with the purpose of signing, by the end of the year 2008, two joint statements on common guidelines (…).”

Applicable law

Not mentioned

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Joint Declaration on ‘Training, Learning and Professional Development’, 2008
Joint Declaration on Equal Opportunities and Non Discrimination, 2009

Main topic

Framework for transnational negotiation,

Secondary topic(s)

training and professional development, equal opportunities and non discrimination.

