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Cross-border social dialogue within the Centre for Sport and Human Rights

The Centre for Sport and Human Rights is a human rights organization in the sport sphere created to prevent harm linked to this industry and bring together actors across sport, in order to share good practice and build the capabilities needed to harness the full potential of sport to improve respect for human rights around the world. As such the organization engages with sports bodies (including owners of major competitions, international federations and professional sport organizations) and major event organizers to ensure responsibilities are set out and relevant international standards are honoured.

Its function is to raise awareness, so that institutional actors increasingly acknowledge and commit to their duties and responsibilities, as well as to build capacity, so that stakeholders can better prevent and mitigate harm and create lasting value, enabling accountability to be held more efficiently and progress to be communicated.

The cross-border social dialogue component

Through its Advisory Council (see more information on its composition), the Centre for Sport and Human Rights brings together an alliance of intergovernmental organizations, governments, sports bodies, athletes, hosts, sponsors, broadcasters, civil society representatives, trade unions (the International Trade Union Confederation, UNI Global Union, Building and Wood Workers’ International) and employers (the International Organization of Employers).

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) are the custodians of the centre alongside the Government of Switzerland (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs)the Commonwealth Games FederationHuman Rights Watchthe World Players Association and the Institute for Human Rights and Businesses.