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Cross-border social dialogue within the Bonsucro Initiative

Bonsucro is the global sustainability platform and standard in the sugarcane industry to accelerate the sustainable production and uses of sugarcane. It also offers the sector a metric, independently verified, certification process to demonstrate commitment to environmental and social sustainability in sugarcane.

The cross-border social dialogue component

Bonsucro acknowledges five categories of membership: farmer, industrial, intermediary, end user and civil society organizatons (CSOs). CSO members can come from not-for-profit organizations and institutions that advocate for the betterment of the sugarcane industry and its stakeholders, including universities, research institutes, trade unions, community groups, advocacy groups, International NGOs, and so on. The Dutch trade union federation CNV Internationaal is a member within the CSO category of membership.

The representative of this union is also part of the Members’ Council which is the representative body for Bonsucro members and reflects the different categories of membership.

This Council comprizes up to 25 members - 15 of which are elected from the five membership classes (three from each), and up to 10 that are co-opted by the Members’ Council itself so as to ensure a balanced membership from amongst a range of sectors, interests and geographies involved in the sugarcane industry.

This Council aims at providing the Bonsucro Board of Directors with advice, views, opinions and recommendations about the operations of Bonsucro in the pursuit of its mission.