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Corporate social responsibility Total global agreement



Date of signature

22 January 2015


CEO of Total and General Secretary of IndustriAll Global Union

Key objectives

The Group""growth and long-term viability depend on a shared foundation of common ethical values and principles that motivate and guide the day-to-day undertakings of the women and men who are part of the Group""


4 years

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

The Group pledges to:
- Inform all personnel of the signature and availability for consultation of this agreement. It is available on the Group intranet.
- Ensure translation of the agreement into the languages agreed on with IndustriALL, i.e. German, English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, French, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.""

Review and monitoring

A committee composed of Total, IndustriALL, three Group employees from countries outside the European Union and four members of the European Works Council shall meet once a year to ensure the implementation of the provisions of the agreement, to identify good practices and propose actions for promoting them. This meeting is preceded by a half-day preparatory meeting, which may be attended by Group employees, who are designated by IndustriALL Global Union

Dispute settlement and sanctions

""Should any difficulty be observed in applying the agreement, the parties hereto undertake to inform each other at the earliest opportunity in order to find a solution in the shortest possible time.
They consider that difficulties should be settled as close to their origin as possible and therefore opt for application of the following procedure:
- Examination by the local Management; the employees claiming an alleged breach may be assisted by a representative of a local Union.
- If no agreement is reached, the subject shall be dealt with by the parties hereto, liaising with the Management and the local Unions.""

Related texts

European Social Platform agreement (November 22, 2004), European agreement (November 21, 2005 on Equal Opportunity, European agreement ( March 28, 2007) and its addendum of March 23, 2012, on assistance in creation, purchase or development of small and medium sized businesses.

Main topic

CSR and fundamental rights, human rights,

Secondary topic(s)

diversity, maternity, risk management concerning health, safety, environment and quality, life insurance scheme, social measures in anticipation and support of organisational changes
