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Convention on Diversity - Danone



Date of signature

08 June 2007


CEO of Danone group, Secretary General of IUF

Key objectives

“The signatory parties call on the social counterparts (management, unions and/orworkers representatives) at a local level:
- to be actively involved against all forms of discrimination based on actual or supposed
belonging or not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation or a race, or relative to gender,
religion, age, patronymics, place of residence, sexual preference, political or union
involvement, state of health, physical appearance or handicap, family responsibilities or
any other consideration which has nothing to do with competencies,
- to implement all actions to encourage diversity in recruitment and career development,
remuneration, conditions at work or maintaining of employment.
“The commitments in this convention on diversity cover the following fields: Recruitment and jobs – Training – Career development – Remuneration – Conditions at work.” (Objectives)



Applicable law

Not mentioned

Implementation and dissemination

“The social counterparts in the Group’s companies are invited to negotiate actual applicable procedures for these commitments that take account of specific situations in the company/site concerned as well as economic and social contexts in the country and local employment areas.”
“Management of companies will open a dialogue with union representatives and/or workers representatives covering:
- Setting up measures to inform the management of situations which are of a discriminatory nature.
- Setting up a working timetable and coordinating specific authorities (whether required by law or within the framework of the recommended good practices) enabling them:
• to decide on the quantitative and qualitative analyses to carry out,
• to share results and discuss the measures to be taken,
• to set objectives and timeframes to achieve them,
• to define indicators,
• to propose initiatives intended to develop diversity within the company.
Union organisations in each company are committed to locally promote diversity:
- in designating union representatives, in setting up systems to facilitate the employment of women, young people and handicapped people,
- to take initiatives in terms of awareness and training of representatives on the themes of combating discrimination and promoting diversity.“

“Management of companies will give a copy of this convention, in the country's language, to union organisations represented in the company and/or to workers representative bodies. In addition, they will implement the appropriate measures to inform all staff of the principles of this convention.
The IUF will ensure that this convention is circulated to all affiliates that are represented in Groupe DANONE workers.
Groupe DANONE will circulate this convention as a good practice to its suppliers and subcontractors.”

Review and monitoring

“Groupe DANONE and the IUF will agree to jointly set up and monitor diversity in the company at Groupe level
This monitoring will at least involve a yearly analysis of the various components of diversity (statistical monitoring, internal surveys for training, recruitment, consultation carried out, as appropriate the number and content of agreements signed, good practices that can be shared, etc.).”
“At least once a year, Group Human Resources Division will provide union members of the DANONE/IUF steering group with the management charts provided for in the DANONE/IUF convention concerning the setting up of Groupe social indicators, and will develop these indicators to be able to give a better insight into diversity issues.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“All union or management organisations in the company will be able to call on the convention interpretation committee, through the appropriate channels (through the IUF for union organisations), when it considers that one or several of the measures in the present convention poses an application problem. This procedure should clearly indicate the measures that are being referred to.
The DANONE/IUF steering group will act as the interpretation committee. If it reaches a unanimous conclusion, this will be compulsory to apply. Should this not be the case, each party will remain free to act as it desires.”

Related texts

Common viewpoint IUF/BSN (1988)
Convention on economic and social data in Groupe Danone companies (1989, updated 2005)
Convention for the promotion of equality of men and women in the workplace (1989, updated 2005)
Convention on Skills Training (1992, updated 2005)
Convention on Trade Union Rights (1994, updated 2005)
Convention applicable in the event of changes in business activities affecting employment or working conditions (1997, updated 2005)
Social standards applicable in restructuring of biscuits division in Europe (2001)
Convention on the setting up of social indicators at group level (2005)
Fundamental Social Principles (2005)

Main topic

Equal opportunities, diversity, anti-discrimination,

Secondary topic(s)

recruitment, training policy, career/professional development, remuneration, social benefits, working conditions, work life balance.

