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Code of conduct UNI - Ability Tecnologias e Servicos S/A


Ability Tecnologias e Servicos S/A

Date of signature

02 October 2008


Ability Tecnologias e Servicos S/A, Uni, SINTETEL (Trade union Brazil)

Key objectives

“This Agreement is being signed as a follow-up to the negotiations on a Code of Conduct to uphold trade union and workers’ rights in all Ability Tecnologias e Servicos S/A activities at the national and Latin-American levels. (…)The parties’ common recognition of fundamental human rights in the community and the workplace.”


“The duration of this agreement shall be five years, after which this agreement shall be evaluated and, if appropriate, extended for an additional period.”

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

""Both parties shall be responsible for the administration and implementation of this Agreement. For this purpose they shall engage in ongoing dialogue and meet regularly.”

“Ability Tecnologias e Servicos S/A shall provide information concerning this Agreement to all the companies of the Group.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this agreement shall be examined jointly with a view to making appropriate recommendations to the disputing parties. A group shall be appointed comprising three members from Ability and three members from SINTETEL – FENATTEL – UNI Americas to examine the case and report its findings to the President of Ability and the general Secretary of UNI.”

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

right to organise and bargain collectively, health and safety, non discrimination, forced labour, child labour, health and safety, minimum wage, working time limits, job stability, sustainability.

ABILITY_CodeOfConduct_EN (1).pdf