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Charter on the safety at the workplace in the Group - Vivendi



Date of signature

18 November 1999


CEO of Group Vivendi, Secretary of the European Social Dialogue Body

Key objectives

“The managers and employee representatives in the Vivendi Group undertake, in this charter, to ensure the observance of the safety standards established by the International Labour Organisation, or of those laid down in national or regional laws when they are more favourable, in every country in the world in which the Group is established.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“This joint declaration shall be disseminated throughout the Vivendi Group and lodged with the competent bodies of the International Labour Organisation.”

Review and monitoring

“The Human Resources Management of the Vivendi Group will regularly supply information and statistics to the European Social Dialogue Body (ESDB) to enable it to monitor the implementation of this Charter in every country in the world in which the Group is established.”
“The Bureau of the European Social Dialogue board may report any problems relating to the implementation to the Vivendi Group.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Charter of Fundamental Social Rights (1996)

Main topic

Health and Safety,

Secondary topic(s)

international labour standards, training.
