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Charter on the recognition of trade union and employee representative experience - Solvay



Date of signature

28 February 2018


CEO, EWC secretary

Key objectives

"On the basis of initiatives that have already been introduced in some countries, Solvay management and the European Works Council have drawn up this Charter, which should be considered to be an agreement between the parties. The charter aims to set out the guiding principles that will then be rolled out and applied at national level in all European countries represented at the EWC."


indefinite term

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"This Charter aims to benefit elected works council members or trade union representatives and to encourage and facilitate access to trade union or elective mandates. To reach this aim the signatory parties agree on establishingmethodological elements in each country in order to:
• Identify the skills used to exercise the mandates;
• Evaluate the degree to which mandate holders have command of such skills. Therefore mandate holders should participate in the evaluation of their skills on a voluntary basis;
• Recognise and accredit the skills acquired and implemented in the exercising of such mandates within the framework of professional development. (...)
The practical provisions of the present Charter shall be defined in each European country before 31st December, 2018. The frameworks at national level (Article 2) will then be added to this Charter in an appendix. The individual evaluation of employee representatives will be implemented after the national frameworks have been defined."

Review and monitoring

" Solvay management shall present an assessment of the application of the present Charter at the annual meeting of the European Works Council."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

Group’s practices for Subcontracting (1999)
Charter on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (1999)
Guidelines on Social Policy in Joint Ventures (2003),
Group' practices on health and safety of the personnel (2002)
Global Agreements on the Solvay Global Performance Sharing Plan (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
Global framework agreement on corporate social responsibility between Solvay and IndustriALL Global Union ( 2013)
Global agreement on minimum level of protection for Solvay Group employees in terms of welfare and healthcare (2017)

Main topic

recognition of trade union and employee representative experience in terms of skills and career development

Secondary topic(s)
