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Carrefour, Auchan, Uni Global Joint Declaration on protective measures for workers and customers in the food retail sector during the Covid-19 pandemic

UNI Global Union, Auchan Retail and Carrefour Group have signed ( April 9, 2020) a joint declaration on the implementation of good business practice in response to the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Auchan Retail, Carrefour and UNI undertake to communicate and work together to share best practice to prevent risks arising from Covid-19. Together, they agree to examine the introduction of all useful and appropriate measures, derived from good corporate practice, to prevent, reduce or eliminate the risks of contagion for their employees and customers.

These measures are divided into the following themes:

  • Improving hygiene and safety rules recommended for all employees in the countries concerned
  • Health regulations for stores, drive-thrus, home delivery and logistics warehouses
  • Social support measures for employees
  • Support for employees with a particular status (eg disabled workers, pregnant women)

If a safety issue arises, UNI Global Union shall inform the signatory companies.
