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Anticipation task force - DBApparel



Date of signature

16 December 2010


Chief Human Resources Officer DBApparel, Secretary of the European Works Council, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Federation - Textiles, Clothing and Leather (ETUF-TCL)

Key objectives

“A European Works Council Task Force was launched to identify best practices and make recommendations to improve the anticipation of employment matters in Europe given market trends and business objectives, strategies, an performance. (…)Following an exchange of views on the Task Force recommendations, the objectives below are agreed for implementation. (…)”
“The parties agree on the following objectives to improve the knowledge of the Group and of its employees (…):
Objective No. 1: A job description database for all current positions and positions to be established
Objective No. 2: An annual employee meeting with direct supervisor
Objective No. 3: Creation of a unique database with European vacancies”


3 years

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Review and monitoring

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Anticipation of change/strategic social dialogue,

Secondary topic(s)

organisational and skills development, anticipation of skills’ needs, restructuring/accompanying measures, training and mobility, information and consultation, equal opportunities and non discrimination, age and disability.
