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Agreement to fight sexual harassment - Arla Foods


Arla Foods

Date of signature

7 October 2019


CHRO, General Secretary IUF

Key objectives

"Arla Foods and the IUF believe that a zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment is necessary to prevent and provide remedies for sexual harassment at work. Such a policy takes into account the importance of health and safety at work and the need to protect the dignity and the rights of all persons employed by the Group or operating on behalf of Arla Foods."


Not defined

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

Not defined

Review and monitoring

"To ensure that the content of this agreement is known to local management and trade union representatives throughout the company’s operations and that effective procedures to prevent workplace sexual harassment have been implemented, Arla Foods and the IUF shall agree to evaluate the progress of their actions through annual meetings"

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

sexual harassment

Secondary topic(s)
