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Agreement on transnational industrial relations and corporate social responsibility - ENI



Date of signature

21 June 2019


ENI management representative; IndustriAll Global Union and Italian employees’ organisations FILCEA-Cgil, FEMCA-Cisl and UILCEM-Uil

Key objectives

“With this renewed global framework agreement, the Parties reconfirm their commitment to fundamental human and worker rights, responsible development and the protection of the environment, and to provide a new momentum to strengthen their shared principles and objectives.”


This agreement shall be valid for four years as of the date of its signing. Six months before its expiry, the Parties shall meet to review the conditions for renewal. ”

Applicable law

"This agreement is governed by Italian Legislation."

Implementation and dissemination

“In compliance with the commitments made in the agreement, the Parties will
jointly develop action plans aimed at advancing fundamental human and social
rights and good working practices. These practices may consist of information,
training and research activities.”

""Moreover, during the annual meeting, appropriate methods of engaging local trade unions may be agreed between the Eni Industrial Relations unit and the trade unions signing this agreement""
""At local level, implementation of the agreement will be part of the regular social dialogue between union/employee representatives and local management. ""
“The agreement will be made available on Eni's intranet and internet websites. The company will produce materials explaining the co1:1tent of the agreement for HR directors, managers and employees, using ail available communication channels.
” The Parties agree that training represents a fundamental leverage for increasing awareness among Eni employees on the content of the Agreement. In this regard, Eni is committed to constantly update the dedicated and open e-learning course, available on Company's intranet.
Furthermore, Eni will include the aforementioned course into institutional training path dedicated to managers. ""

Review and monitoring

“At global level, the participants meet once a year as Global Monitoring Committee. This Committee is composed of the representatives of Eni management, IndustriALL Global Union, Italian federations, the coordinator and nominated union delegates, representing Eni's workers across the world.""
""Implementation of the agreement will be measured using appropriate
indicators, as part of a continuous improvement. The signatories agree that, during annuai meeting and within the scope of Corporate Social Responsibility,
further indicators may be jointly assembled. ""

“The Parties agree that the following topics will be analysed during the annual meeting:
• Eni economic and financial situation;
• Performance and prospects of its principal operating activities, with a focus on the most significant areas of operating presence and relevant employment figures;

• Erii actions and plans addressing safety, risk management and protection of worker safety, without prejudice to the commitments in each country that stem from legislative provisions or contractual agreements;
• Development of industrial relations in ail the countries and areas where Eni operates, highlighting any critical situation;

• realization by Eni of corporate social responsibility actions and projects;
• Monitoring the agreement implementation and action plans rolled out;
• Cases of non-compliance and areas for improvement, in particular regarding HSE issues;
• Good practices and measures to ·promote them;
• Whistleblowing, especially regarding human rights;
• Transnational training projects and/or activities;
• Joint missions;
Follow up of the indicators.""

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“In the event of a dispute regarding the interpretation of, or non-compliance with, the agreement, the signatories undertake to mutually notify each another as soon as possible so that they can work together to find an effective and constructive solution that is iri the interest of ail the parties, through dialogue and within a reasonable time. The parties recognize the principle that emerging problems between workers and the company have to be settled at the level closest to the workplace. In
cases of difficult situations Eni, in coordination with the competent HR functions and the signatories to this agreement, will facilitate the solution of the issue at local level. If any dispute related to this global framework agreement is not resolved locally? it will be taken to management and relevant unions at national level. _If not settled at national level, the conflict will be taken to the global level with the involvement of Eni's headquarters, IndustriALL Global Union and the coordinator of the agreement with a view to wage any possible effort for a peaceful solution.
In case of need for interpretation of this agreement, the Parties may agree to seek the expert advice of the ILO or any other agreed third party.”

Related texts

Agreement on transnational industrial relations and corporate social responsibility (original version, 2002)
Agreement on transnational industrial relations and corporate social responsibility (original version, 2009)
Establishment of a European observatory H&S
EWC protocol on vocational training

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

freedom of association and right to collective bargaining, social dialogue, health and safety at the workplace,environmental sustainability.
