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Agreement on the principles of responsibilities - Vallourec



Date of signature

09 April 2008


Management of Vallourec Group, EWC, IMF

Key objectives

“Following these discussions, Vallourec, world market leader in seamless tubes, has detailed the principles of social responsibility outlined below and considers that their observance is a long term success factors for the company and for the people within it (…)
- Vallourec applies the international conventions and national laws and respect the national cultures and local customs (…)
- Vallourec aims in particular to respect human resources and the universal fundamental principles that protect the dignity, respect and liberty of the employees (…)
- Vallourec explicitly recognises the right of all its employees to be or become members of a trade union and to participate in collective negotiations (…)”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Every employee shall have the right to report shortcomings in the application of these principles by which he may feel affected to the local employee representation or, alternatively, to the local Human Resources Department.
In all cases, received complaints shall be brought to the notice of the local management and of the central Human Resources Department of the Group.”
“This declaration shall be brought to the notice of the staff at all plants of the Group in the most appropriate manner and in the respective local languages.”

Review and monitoring

“The General Management shall report annually to the European Works Council on complaints received during the year and the corresponding measures taken, and on any irregularities discovered by auditors on these subjects.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, trade union recognition, non discrimination, staff development, job security, health and safety, fair wages and profit-sharing.
