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Agreement on the prevention of work-related stress (European Social Charter) - BNP Paribas


BNP Paribas

Date of signature

10 January 2017


HRM, FECEC, Uni Europa, EWC

Key objectives

"Consistent with the 8 October 2004 European Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress and agreements on the same topic in effect in the Group across Europe, the parties to the agreement herein emphasise that tackling stress at work – an issue that can be of relevance in any work environment, to any employee and to any type of company within the Group, regardless of size or activity – contributes to greater efficiency and improved occupational health and safety, with consequent economic and social benefits for all players involved."


Until June 30, 2018, renewable by tacit agreement for 4 years

Applicable law

not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"Notice of the agreement herein will be addressed to all employees within the scope of the Group’s European Works Council via an on-line bulletin posted to the intranet of each BNP Paribas Group country or office within the scope of the Group’s European Works Council, and in the language of the local country, no later than 31 March 2017."

Review and monitoring

"Due application of the agreement herein shall be monitored and, every two years, be presented in one of the plenary sessions of the Group’s European Works Council, being formally listed on the agenda."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

not defined

Related texts

European agreement on employment management (2012), European agreement on professional equality (2014)

Main topic

work related stress

Secondary topic(s)

prevention of psychosocial risks, training, restructuring, new technologies
