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Agreement on Pre-employment screenings at General Electric Plastics Europe


General Electric Plastics Europe

Date of signature

31 March 2004


Director of HR and HR Manager of GEPE, chairman and representatives of EWC

Key objectives

""This agreement lays down how background checks within the company takes place and what it does – or does not - include.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“As this agreement is supposed to be used for all European sites of the company, all local legislation will be taken into account. In case any part of this agreement is in conflict with any applicable local and/or European legislation, the latter prevails. In order to comply with local law country guidelines have been put together. In case some activities are prohibited by local law this is marked with an asterix*.”

Review and monitoring

Not defined

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

GEPE agreement on pre-employment screening (2004)

Main topic

Recruitment policy,

Secondary topic(s)

protection of personal data.
