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BNP Paribas Agreement on fundamental rights and global social framework


BNP Paribas

Date of signature

18 September 2018


Group Human Ressources Director, Uni Global General Secretary

Key objectives

""Through this agreement, the BNP Paribas Group reiterates its compliance with internationally recognised human rights standards and its promotion of these rights (...)""


""This agreement is concluded until 1 June 2021 and enters into force on 1 October 2018.Upon its expiry, it is renewable by tacit renewal for a further period of three years, but may be terminated by either signatory by giving notice at least six months before the end of the three-year period.""

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

"This agreement may be supplemented by each BNP Paribas Group company, particularly in order to meet the specific requirements of a given company, taking into account the procedures or agreements already in place as well as country-specific legislation; however, it is not possible to deviate from this agreement in a way that is less favourable.(...) All measures set out in this agreement will apply from 31 December 2018 at the latest, unless a different date is given in the relevant article of this agreement."

"This agreement will be passed on to all BNP Paribas Group employees, including online via information posted on the intranet of each company or branch
of the BNP Paribas Group by 31 December 2018 at the latest."

Review and monitoring

"The parties agree that a joint monitoring committee, tasked with implementing the agreement, will meet once a year to assess the progress made in
terms of this agreement, identify best practices and promote them where appropriate. The monitoring committee includes representatives from UNI Global Union, and where possible, one trade union representative from each major geographical area (the Americas, Asia-Pacific, Africa and Europe), members of the BNP Paribas European Works Council Secretariat and representatives of the Group Human Resources Department."

Dispute settlement and sanctions

"In the event that difficulties arise with the implementation of the agreement, the parties agree to seek a solution at the most local possible level. Specific problems with employees or local conflicts regarding collective bargaining will be dealt with and settled in accordance with local conflict resolution procedures. The decision to move beyond the local procedure is permitted only when the issue is related to a right or a standard established as part of this agreement."

" The framework also provides for an escalation procedure. ""In the event that the parties cannot resolve a conflict regarding the implementation of this agreement after discussions during the meeting of the monitoring committee, it may be submitted, by mutual agreement, to a mediator. The mediator will be chosen by the parties jointly. A request for mediation will not be refused by either of the parties without a valid reason"

Main topic

human rights at work

Secondary topic(s)

duty of care law, social protection floor, anticipation of change, preventing sexual harassment
