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Agreement between Skanska and IFBWW



Date of signature

08 February 2001


Skanska, International Federation of Building and Woodworkers (IFBWW)

Key objectives

“Employment conditions offered to the employees of Skanska shall meet the minimum requirements of national legislation. Relevant ILO (International Labour Organisation) conventions and recommendations concerning the company's business activities shall be respected.”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Skanska and IFBWW consider it important that the contents of this agreement be announced at the company's work sites in the respective languages of the different work sites. Suppliers should also be informed of the agreement.”

Review and monitoring

“The Senior Vice President Human Resources and executive committee will each appoint one representative to visit and inspect selected work sites at least once a year. IFBWW participates at its own expense in [...] the aforementioned visits to work sites.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Dispute settlement:
“Reports on compliance with this agreement and eventual infractions, which could not be resolved through discussions in the workplace, will be addressed by an application group comprising Skanska's Human Resources Director (Senior Vice-President Human Resources), EWC Skanska's executive committee and IFBWW. [...] IFBWW participates at its own expense in meetings of the application group [...].”
“If a unit of Skanska does not comply with the regulations contained in Enclosure I, the application group will report such violations to the responsible member of the Group Management staff, who will ensure that relevant corrective measures are implemented.”
“If agreement regarding interpretations and applications of this agreement cannot be reached in the application group, the issue will be referred to an arbitration board comprising two members and an independent chairman. Skanska AB and the IFBWW will each appoint one member, and the chairman will be appointed through mutual agreement. Arbitration board rulings are binding for both parties.”

Related texts

Enclosure I to agreement dated 8 February 2001, between Skanska and IFBWW

Main topic

Fundamental social rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, right to organise and bargain collectively, no discrimination, minimum wage, working time limits, health and safety.

