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Agreement between IndustriALL Global, Russian Oil and Gas Workers Union And Open Joint Stock Company “Oil Company LUKOIL” 



Date of signature

04 October 2012


International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions (ICEM), Russian Oil and Gas Workers Union (ROGWU)

Key objectives

“Concluding this agreement, the Parties confirm their full commitment to the principles contained in the UN Global Compact initiative, as well as the principles concerning labour and environmental issues defined in the UN and ILO core documents and conventions. (…)The purpose of the Agreement is to create an open channel of information and dialogue between ICEM and LUKOIL (…).
The aim of the Agreement is to continuously improve industrial relations, and develop good work practices in LUKOIL worldwide operations.”


“One year” renewable

Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“The Agreement between the Parties shall be applied consistently throughout LUKOIL operations. (…)
ICEM and LUKOIL will cooperate in developing joint training arrangements covering those issues dealt with in this Agreement, and their implementation. This will include appropriate training in health, safety and environmental best practice for union delegates from countries where LUKOIL operates, (…) management-training programmes within LUKOIL Group.
LUKOIL may cover the cost of ICEM participation in LUKOIL training programmes subject to Agreement.”

“ICEM will distribute copies of the Agreement to all its member unions, including those that organise employees in LUKOIL companies around the world, and will broadly publicise the existence of the Agreement and explain its implications to the unions organising workers within LUKOIL.
LUKOIL will in the same manner distribute copies of the Agreement to all LUKOIL offices in the relevant local languages of the countries concerned.”

Review and monitoring

“LUKOIL and ICEM will meet annually to review practice and experience of the agreed principles (…). The purpose shall be to discuss the issues covered by the Agreement with a view to agreeing joint actions that will further develop good working practices (…).
Participants at these annual review meetings will normally be 3-5 senior officials representing the ICEM, ROGWU and relevant managers from LUKOIL.”

“The General Secretary of the ICEM, or his appointed representative and the LUKOIL President, or his appointed representative will be ultimately responsible for the administration of the Agreement.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Related texts

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

human rights, health and safety, freedom of association and to bargain collectively, child labour, forced labour, gender equality, responsible restructuring, minimum wage and working time limits, younger workers skills development, responsibility to society, international network of trade union representatives.
