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Agreement between Fonterra, the IUF and the New Zealand Dairy Workers Union



Date of signature

08 April 2002


Fonterra, IUF, New Zealand Dairy Workers Union Incorporated (NZDWU)Witnessed by ILO, Prime Minister of New Zealand (14 May 2001)

Key objectives

“Fonterra is committed to respecting the principles in the following International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions (…), the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining (…)”



Applicable law

Not defined

Implementation and dissemination

“Fonterra will inform joint venture partners of Fonterra’s obligations under this agreement.”
“Fonterra, the IUF and the NZDWU shall co-operate to give practical effect to this agreement, This includes communication, training or other means as appropriate.”
“The Group Director Human resources on behalf of Fonterra and the National Secretary of the NZDWU on behalf of the IUF and the NZDWU are responsible for the administration of this agreement.”

”Fonterra will distribute copies of this agreement to its local offices in a national language of the country concerned and will inform local management of the existence and contents of this agreement. The IUF will distribute copies of this agreement to all of its member trade unions that organize Fonterra’s employees.”

Review and monitoring

“Review Committee. Fonterra, the IUF /NZDWU shall each appoint up to five persons to a Review Committee. The Review Committee shall meet annually to review the application of this agreement, with a view to jointly agreeing actions that will ensure compliance with this agreement (…).
An extraordinary meeting may be convened at the request of either party, in case a situation arises that requires urgent discussion by the Review Committee.”

Dispute settlement and sanctions

Not defined

Main topic

Fundamental labour rights,

Secondary topic(s)

child labour, forced labour, non discrimination, right to organise and bargain collectively, minimum wage, employees’ representatives protection, restructuring (information and consultation).
